14th April 2024_
14th April 2024_
The other week we checked out the Museo Soumaya, we thought it was the contemporary art museum but realised when we got inside we’d got the wrong place and we were meant to be going to Museo Jumex. Either way it was a mistake worth making as it had a lot of interesting historical art, a lot of european works but also some interesting works from Mexico. One contemporary concept though was a set of michelangelo sculptures recreated using robots. I’m not sure how close they are to reality but some of the proportions looked pretty off with most of them having massive hands. Cool to see still.
Me and my partner Rosie have a little obsession with trying every new fruit we can find, so find Mexico has not disappointed. This week we found 3 new fruits, a Chico sapote, a small sweet sapote but has the texture of sand which was a bit weird. A little tiny pitaya, like a mini dragon fruit, little underwhelming and then a purple star apple, which was super tasty.
It was super milky and almost taste like a watered down condensed milk, definitely a good find but my favourite from being here has been the sapote negro (the chocolate pudding fruit) though it seems its going out of season now sadly.
The last thing we did this week was go on a hike in Los Dinamos. I took a few New Mixes with me as always like to have a cheeky bevvie on a hike, however I didn’t realise mexico being mexico that there would be makeshift bars selling micheladas everywhere we went on the hike. So by the time we’d sunk a few almost litre cups each the hike slowed right down and we headed back. Was a fun little hike but need to do it properly next time, we also got chased but a crackhead on the way through, hikes can be a little dodgy in mexico but luckily we had a good sized group of us.
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