Hell a top, Hell a bottom, Hallelujah in the middle

24th May 2024_

This week we visited the Pudding Man, infamous in Jamaica for the best pudding around. Pudding is a traditional dessert here thats made with sweet potato, They have a phrase for it ‘Hell a top, Hell a bottom, Hallelujah in the middle’. Its cooked in a dutch oven. The hell on top are the live coals on top of the pot and the hell on bottom are the live coals underneath. Then you can guess what the hallelujah is - the pudding. A unique way to cook a cake, there were dutch ovens lined up all outside, barely under cover during heavy rainfall.

Traditionally made with sweet potato but there was an load of other flavours, from coconut to banana and so on. The standard was hands down the best. Check out the pudding man here. Other than that we stayed at the strangest looking airbnb (photo below) and visited Dunn River Falls, which was a highlight, despite it being full with scammers in the souvenir section. Be warned they will forcibly sell you things, ask your name, engrave it onto a souvenir and then pretend it’s a gift. If you ever visit Dunn River Falls then  avoid that area if you can.

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